Connect Employees to Resources and Care

As an employer, you play an important role in support the well-being of your ​employees by validating their experiences and connecting them with resources ​that empower them to take charge of their mental health.

Providing Mental ​Health Benefits

One of the most impactful ways that employers can support their employees’ ​mental health journeys is by providing affordable access to proper medical care. ​Comprehensive mental health benefits allow employees to effectively manage their ​well-being.

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Mental Health Benefits and Programs Checklist

This checklist includes a range of benefits your company can offer to help ​employees manage their mental health. You can use this list to start evaluating your ​company’s health policies and practices. Your company may not be ready to offer ​all of them, but it’s good to identify what you can work toward. For more ​recommendations, download the Health Action Alliance’s Workplace Mental Health ​Playbook.

Supporting Employees ​Through Life Challenges

Workplace conditions, job demands, or interactions with coworkers can leave ​employees feeling stressed, angry, or burned out. But employees can also bring ​these moods in from outside the office. Employers can help workers find resources ​to navigate difficult life moments and the stress they cause.

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Printable Poster

This printable infographic poster explains how personal life challenges can cause ​stress that impacts work, promotes helpful company benefits and resources, and ​outlines simple coping strategies.

Starting Conversations ​and Making Connections

Managers are often in the best position to understand how team members are ​feeling and when they might need help. While your role isn’t to handle employees' ​mental health challenges yourself, you can focus on listening to their concerns, ​validating their feelings, and connecting them with the right resources.

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Conversation Prompts for Managers

These printable note cards offer prompts to encourage open, supportive ​conversations that validate employees’ feelings and connect them with resources ​that match their unique needs. Want to dive deeper? Check out the Health Action ​Alliance’s Workplace Mental Health: Conversation Guide for Managers.

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Employee Resource List

Share this list of valuable resources to support your employees’ mental well-being, ​including information on emotional health, mental health tests, and crisis ​interventions. Customize the list to include your company’s specific benefits and ​resources.

The Love, Your Mind campaign, from Huntsman Mental Health ​Institute and the Ad Council, offers inspiration, community and ​educational resources to encourage people across the U.S. to ​be more open and proactive when it comes to their mental ​health. The Love, Your Mind Employer Guide and Toolkit was ​developed in partnership with the Health Action Alliance, the ​country’s largest employer network operating at the ​intersection of business and public health.

© 2024 Ad Council

© 2024 Health Action Alliance

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