Spot Signs of Mental Health Challenges

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Understanding our emotions and how they relate to our overall mental health ​can be surprisingly difficult. We might have been taught that it’s not OK to feel ​bad. But feeling angry, sad, or burned out is a normal part of being human. ​Learning to recognize and manage these feelings is the first step to caring for ​ourselves and making sure normal struggles don’t turn into serious challenges.

Below are some customizable tools you can use to help team members ​recognize their emotions and take simple, immediate actions to feel better.

Connecting Emotions ​and Mental Health

Our feelings affect our ability to focus, work well with our colleagues, and feel ​satisfied with our jobs. By recognizing and addressing these emotions, we can take ​better care of our mental health and be more effective at work and in other areas of ​our lives.

You can use the customizable, plug-and-play newsletter here, and find more useful ​resources in our Employer Communications Toolkit.

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Sample Employee Newsletter

Customize this plug-and-play newsletter to help employees understand their ​feelings at work and take simple steps to feel better.

Emotional and Mental ​Health Check-Ins

Assessments can help you understand your employees’ emotions and your ​organization’s overall mental health — and they’re a good way to keep an eye on ​your own health, too. Use these resources to encourage team members to check in ​with themselves and to help team leads check in with their staff.

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Self Check-In Intranet Resource for Emp​loyees

Share this message on your organization’s intranet or employee portal to help ​workers privately check in on their emotions and access helpful resources.

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Staff Check-In Script for Managers

Share this sample script with team leads to help them check in with their employees ​during regular meetings and direct them to helpful resources.

The Love, Your Mind campaign, from Huntsman Mental Health ​Institute and the Ad Council, offers inspiration, community and ​educational resources to encourage people across the U.S. to ​be more open and proactive when it comes to their mental ​health. The Love, Your Mind Employer Guide and Toolkit was ​developed in partnership with the Health Action Alliance, the ​country’s largest employer network operating at the ​intersection of business and public health.

© 2024 Ad Council

© 2024 Health Action Alliance

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This website, and all related resources and tools ​contained herein, is authorized for dissemination and ​usage in the United States ONLY. By downloading any ​resources you acknowledge and agree to comply with ​this usage restriction.

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